Enliven: Journal of Dietetics Research and Nutrition

Author Invitation Submit Manuscript
Journal Sections
Health Nutrition
Study dealing with human health with respect to nutrition.
Clinical Nutrition
Clinical study of food metabolism, transport, digestion, and absorption of body.
Parenteral Nutrition
Process of obtaining nutrition through body veins.
Sports Nutrition
Analysis and evaluation of nutrition taken by an athlete.
Nutrition Therapy
Therapies to treat the health conditions caused due to unhealthy nutrition.
Nutrition Education
Education related to nutrition with respect to food adoption choices and health behaviors.
Nutritional Assessment
Assessing the nutritional status based on the intake and medical history of a human.
Nutritional Support
Nutritional intake and supporting the human body either through veins or through feeding tube during illness.
Critical Nutrition
The relation between nutritional intake and clinical outcome in critical conditions.
Diet Therapy
Treatment with prescribed diet to enhance health.
Diet Thermogenesis
The evaluation study dealing with the amounts of energy expenditure with respect to the nutrition intake and storage.
Obesity and Diet Treatment
Treating obese condition with prescribed diet resulting in affective weight loss.
Diet Trends
The evolutionary and technical enhancements in human diets.
Diet Biochemistry
Study of nutritional benefits with respect to food biochemistry.
Probiotics and Prebiotics
Presence of non-digestive food ingredient promoting beneficial microorganisms? growth in intestine is prebiotics.
Diet Practice
Food intake with selective diet to maintain health.
Health Effects and Diet
The interrelation between diet habits and health effects of human body.
Nutritional Science
Scientific study to evaluate, analyze, and examine the nutrition paths, metabolisms, and human disease resistance.
Dietetic Practice
Best diet practice to maintain good health.
Public Health Nutrition and Nutritional Epidemiology
Examining and monitoring the nutrition role in disease etiology in a group of population.
Nutrition and Dietetic Research
Current research and discoveries in nutrition and dietetics.
Dietary Interventions
The study to improve the dietary intake of an individual with essential foods.
Nutrigenomics and Metabolomics
The interaction of nutrition and genes to prevent or treat diseases.
Nutrigenomics and Molecular Nutrition
The interaction of nutrition and genes to prevent or treat diseases at molecular level.
Journal Features
  • All submissions will undergo vigorous peer review process.
  • High quality review process.
  • Permanent published archives.
  • Author loyal benefits.
  • Reviewer credits.
  • Visible specified citations.
  • Open access - Maximum dissemination.
  • Un-interrupted author communication.
  • Standard author guidelines.
  • Minimal publication charges with convenient and safe modes of transfer.
Articles in March, 2019