Enliven: Neurology and Neurotechnology

A Report of the Ability of Strannik Virtual Scanning to Screen the Health of a Randomly Selected Cohort of Patients
Author(s): Ewing GW, and Duran JC

There is recognition of the limitations of contemporary biomedicine. Coincidently, there is increasing pressure from governments  to explain the
fundamental causes of pathological onset, to move to a preventative healthcare model, to determine the onset of pathologies from their earliest
presymptomatic onset, to integrate different modalities to improve the quality of the treatment and the recovery after treatment, and  to reduce the
fundamental cost of healthcare.

This paper reports on a proof of concept study undertaken over the period 2-7th October 2015 in which a randomly selected cohort of patients was
screened using Strannik technology i.e. Strannik Virtual Scanning (SVS). This private study included patients who have their own unique set of medical
conditions and/or medical history including a health psychologist, medical doctors, and medical directors. The reported ailments included patients with
cancer and/or recovering from chemotherapy, cognitive problems, sleep problems, stress, neurological problems, cardiovascular issues, etc.
None of the patients had hitherto been in contact with Mimex Montague Healthcare or hitherto knew of Strannik technology.

Previous data from Russian clinicians indicated that SVS was able to diagnose typically 2-23% more accurately that the range of diagnostic tests against
which it was compared and which was being routinely used in their Russian medical clinics.

This brief study – reporting initially on the outcome of SVS to rapidly screen a group of patients – indicated that SVS was able to define the complete
health of each patient and to make what appears to be an accurate report of their health. In 17 of the 20 patients the SVS results coincided with the
patient’s declared medical conditions. In 2 cases the patient’s health history was not declared and in 1 case the patient was unable to complete the test
in a satisfactory manner. This encouraging report is consistent with and supports the claims of various clinicians, doctors and researchers in the Russian market. It is emphasised that the conclusions from this initial study needs be supported by a double-blind clinical study involving a statistically significant patient cohort