Enliven: Journal of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

Author Invitation Submit Manuscript
Journal Sections
Anesthesia and Anatomy
The practice of medicine to examine the role anatomy in anesthetic conditions.
Clinical Anesthesia
A practice of medicine for prevention of pain during the treatment.
Surgery and Anesthesia
Relief from or prevention of pain with anesthesia during the surgery.
Pain Management
A medical approach to study the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pain.
Anesthesia and Pharmacology
Action mechanism of anesthetic drugs.
Anesthesia and Immunology
Action and reaction of the immune system during anesthesia.
Anesthesia Drugs and Adjutants
Anesthetic drugs and their uses.
Anesthesia and Physiology
Effect of anesthesia on normal body functions.
Post Anesthesia Care
Critical care unit for patients after receiving anesthesia.
Emergency Medicine
The medical specialty involving care for undifferentiated and unscheduled patients.
Cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition.
Critical Care and Anatomy
The specialized care of patients whose conditions are life-threatening. Also known as intensive care.
Correcting physiological disorders in ill health patient.
Toxicology and Critical Care
To examine the nature, effects, and detection of poisons during critical care.
Intensive Care Medicine
To Diagnose and manage the life-threatening conditions requiring invasive monitoring.
Critical Care and Pharmaceutics
To examine the process of turning a new chemical entity (NCE) or old drugs into a medication to be used during critical care.
Emergency Anesthesia
Anesthesia for emergency surgical procedures.
Local Anesthesia
To numb a specific part of the body to prevent pain during surgical procedures.
Administering sedative drug to produce a state of calm or sleep.
Regional Anesthesia
Peripheral nerve block by injections to numb the appropriate area.
Anesthetic agents
Anesthetic drugs.
General Anesthesia
A controlled, reversible state of unconsciousness produced when a patient receives medications from anesthesia.
Surgical Anesthesia
Administration of anesthetic drugs during surgical procedures.
Dental Anesthesia
Administration of anesthetic drugs for dental surgeries.
Vascular Anesthesia
Administration of anesthetic drugs for vascular surgeries.
Advances in Anesthesia
Recent research and innovative anesthesia studies.
Anesthetic Techniques
Creating a state of unconsciousness using a variety of medications.
Preoperative Evaluation & Anesthesia Risk
Evaluating the anesthetic risk before surgeries.
Inhalational Anesthesia
Administration of Anesthetic drugs through inhalation.
Neurosurgical Anesthesia
Anesthesia for neurosurgeries.
Intravenous Regional Anesthesia
To inject Local anesthetic intravenously. Also called as IVRA or Bier block anesthesia.
Journal Features
  • All submissions will undergo vigorous peer review process.
  • High quality review process.
  • Permanent published archives.
  • Author loyal benefits.
  • Reviewer credits.
  • Visible specified citations.
  • Open access - Maximum dissemination.
  • Un-interrupted author communication.
  • Standard author guidelines.
  • Minimal publication charges with convenient and safe modes of transfer.
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Journal Menu

Giacomo Frati

Giuseppe Biondi Zoccai

Landoni Giovanni

Luis Ulloa

Patricio Andres Sanchez

Paul Marik

Srinivas Pentyala

Sylvain Dore

Thomas L Higgins

Special Issue Thesis Publication
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