Journal of Crop Technology and Agricultural Science

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Journal Sections
History of Agriculture
Domestication of plants and animals and the development and dissemination of techniques for raising them productively
Plant Breeding and Crop alterations
Changing the traits of plants in order to produce desired characteristics
Agrochemistry and plant protection
An agricultural chemicals such as an herbicide or an insecticide
The study of insects
Horticulture and Aquaculture
practice of garden cultivation and management
Genetic engineering
Using recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology to alter the genetic makeup of an organism Agricultural Biotechnology
Agriculture Economics
The allocation, distribution, and utilization of the resources
Agro Ecology
Agricultural production systems and ecological processes
Crop cultivation and crop production
The process of producing food, feed, fiber and many other desired products by the cultivation of certain plants and the raising of domesticated animals
Biodiversity and Ecosystem
Every living thing, including plants, bacteria, animals, Environmental remediation and management
Journal Features
  • All submissions will undergo vigorous peer review process.
  • High quality review process.
  • Permanent published archives.
  • Author loyal benefits.
  • Reviewer credits.
  • Visible specified citations.
  • Open access - Maximum dissemination.
  • Un-interrupted author communication.
  • Standard author guidelines.
  • Minimal publication charges with convenient and safe modes of transfer.
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Journal of Crop Technology and Agricultural Science

Journal of Crop Technology and Agricultural Science is an Open access, peer reviewed international journal and it aims to publish different types of articles on emerging developments and supports current and upcoming research in the Crop Technology and Agricultural Science. This journal also allows articles on Crop Technology and Agricultural Science.

This journal will support the budding scientists, scholars, academicians, researchers, and students by providing Open access platform for publishing their work.

This journal will follow the peer review policies and will bode Open access in having quality research output.
This journal combines the innovative scientific ideas and ways in Crop Technology and Agricultural Science and all other related disciplines to have an innovative output.


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Journal of Crop Technology and Agricultural Science

  • Journal of Crop Technology and Agricultural Science is an international research journal of agriculture science published triannually with the sole aim of rapid dissemination of scientific knowledge among scientists, technocrats, agronomist, horticul