Enliven: Surgery and Transplantation

Author Invitation Submit Manuscript
Journal Sections
General Surgery
Surgery focusing on abdominal contents depending on local reference patterns.
Plastic Surgery
The process of reconstructing body parts with tissue transfer either for injury or cosmetic reasons.
Oral Surgery
The surgery for head, neck, face, jaws, and their soft tissues.
Organ Suitability
The examining process to evaluate the donors? organs.
Brainstem Death
A clinical syndrome where the reflexes from the brain are absent.
Surgical Anatomy
Anatomical diagnosis, dissection, or treatment of organs.
Donor Transmitted Diseases
Transmitted diseases from donor to recipient.
Surgery and Clinical Skills
The essential clinical skills to handle and process the surgery.
Advanced Techniques in Surgery
Advanced research techniques in surgery.
Organ Transplantation
Moving organ from donor to recipient.
Multi Organ Retrieval
The process of maintaining and moving multiple organs.
Surgical Complications
Complications during the surgery.
Preoperative CT Evaluation
Computed Tomography evaluation before surgery.
Implantation Methods
Methods of implantation.
Transplantation Immunology
The process to study and maintain the immune system during transplantation.
Transplantation Methods
Varies transplantation methods.
Advanced Techniques in Transplantation
Recent techniques and methods in transplantation.
Surgical Oncology
Surgical studies focusing cancerous tumors.
Current Research in Surgery and Transplantation
Advanced research and discoveries in surgery and transplantation.
Transplantation Studies
Various recent studies of transplantation.
Types of Transplantation
Categories and types of Transplantation.
Transplantation Techniques
Techniques and methods in transplantation.
Ethical Concern
All ethical rules with respect to mortality, right and wrong on conduct.
Transplantation Technologies and Research
Advanced technologies and research in transplantation.
Transplant Reject
Rejection of transplanted organ by recipients? immune system.
Transplantation Surgery
The surgical process of removing and placing the organ or tissue from donor to recipient.
Cosmetic Surgery
The surgical process to enhance the appearance with medical techniques either for injured areas or for cosmetic reasons.
Journal Features
  • All submissions will undergo vigorous peer review process.
  • High quality review process.
  • Permanent published archives.
  • Author loyal benefits.
  • Reviewer credits.
  • Visible specified citations.
  • Open access - Maximum dissemination.
  • Un-interrupted author communication.
  • Standard author guidelines.
  • Minimal publication charges with convenient and safe modes of transfer.
Editorial Board


Yanjun Shi
Affiliation: Associate Chair of Department of Hepatobiliary and pancreas Surgery,Associate Director of Organ transplantation, Director of Pediatric Liver Transplantation The Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University school of Medicine Hangzhou , China
Research Expertise: Liver transplant, Kidney transplant, Primary non-function, Ischemia reperfusion injury.

Editorial Board Members

Alfio Ferlito
Affiliation: Director,Surgical Sciences,University of Udine School of Medicine,Italy.
Research Expertise: head and neck surgery, oncology, oncology and cancer research.

Tatsuya Kin

Affiliation: Director,Clinical Islet Laboratory,University of Alberta,Canada.
Research Expertise: Islet transplantation, Islet isolation, Pancreas anatomy, Organ preservation, Organ donation.

Rayleigh Chiang

Affiliation: Director,Sleep Technology, National Taiwan University,Taiwan.
Research Expertise: Obstructive sleep apnea, the central and peripheral neuro-degeneration in patients with sleep disordered breathing,

Hadar Merhav

Affiliation:Director,Transplantation Unit,Hadassah Medical Center,Israel.

Petrella Francesco

Affiliation: Deputy Director,Thoracic Surgery,European Institute of Oncology,Italy.
Research Expertise: Thoracic surgery; thoracic oncology.

Vural Fidan

Affiliation: Deputy Director, Otorhinolaryngology, Yunus Emre Government Hospital,Turkey.
Research Expertise: pulmonary hypertension, glommus jugulare-caroticum, sleep medicine.

G.Rama Subrahmanyam

Affiliation: Chief, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgeon,Care Hospital,India.
Research Expertise: Ischemic mitral valve repairs,Rheumatic and myxomatous mitral repairs,Coronary bypass surgery.

Waldo Concepcion

Affiliation: Professor,Department of Surgery,Stanford University School of Medicine,USA.
Research Expertise: Pediatric Kidney Transplantation,Hepatobiliary Surgery, General Surgery.

Anil D. Kulkarni

Affiliation: Professor,Department of Surgery,The University of Texas Medical School,USA.

Ameen Khraisat

Affiliation: Professor,Prosthodontics, Oral Implantology, and Tissue Augmentation,University of Jordan,Jordan.

Sherif Afifi

Affiliation: Professor of Anesthesiology, Critical Care, & Surgery, Northwestern Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA
Research Expertise: The control of breathing, peri-operative metabolic disorders, critical care outcomes, and resuscitation, Cardiac, Thoracic, Transplant Anesthesia; ICU care of all surgical sub-specialties

Yigang Wang

Affiliation: Professor,Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,University of Cincinnati,USA.
Research Expertise: Effect of various additive agents of cardioplegic solution on functional cardiac restoration.


Affiliation: Professor,The Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University Health Center,USA.
Research Expertise: Cardiac surgery.


Affiliation: Professor,Ear Nose Throat (ENT), Bangalore Medical College,India.
Research Expertise: Otorhinolaryngology.

Mohammad Habib Raza

Affiliation: Professor & Chairman,Department of Surgery, Aligarh Muslim University,India
Research Expertise: gastrointestinal endoscopy and Laparoscopic Surgery.

Osmar A. Centurion

Affiliation: Professor,Cardiology Department,Asuncion National University,Paraguay.
Research Expertise: Cardiology, Hemodynamics, Electrophysiology and Arrhythmia Ablation.

Si Pham

Affiliation: Professor,Department of Surgery,University of Maryland School of Medicine,USA
Research Expertise: Heart and Lung Transplantation,Immunosuppression Management

Joel Montane

Affiliation: Research Associate,Institut d'Investigacions, Biomediques August Pi i Sunyer, Spain.

Henkie Tan

Affiliation: Associate Professor,Department of Surgery,University of Pittsburgh Medical CenterPittsburgh, United States.
Research Expertise: Living Donor Organ Transplantation, live donor nephrectomy

Tatsuya Mimura

Affiliation: Associate professor,Ophthalmology,Tokyo Women's Medical University,Japan.
Research Expertise: Corneal transplantation.

P. A. Jategaonkar

Affiliation: Associate Professor,General, GI and Laparoscopic Surgery,Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences,India.

Xavier Riaud

Affiliation: Associate Member,Department of Dental Surgery,National Academy of Dental Surgery,France.
Research Expertise: History of dentistry and forensic dentistry.

Samuel M. Alaish

Affiliation: Assistant Professor,Department: Surgery,University of Maryland School of Medicine,USA.
Research Expertise: Genetics behind the innate immune response following cholestasis.

Shashikant Patil

Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery,Baylor College of Medicine, USA.
Research Expertise: Spinal disorders,spine and brain tumors, peripheral nerve surgery

Yuhong Shi

Affiliation: Assistant Professor,Department of Surgery,University of Maryland School of Medicine,USA.

Steve K. Singh

Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine,USA.
Research Expertise: Heart, Heart-Lung, and Lung Transplantation, Ventricular Assist Devices.

Charles Gia Phan

Affiliation: Assistant Professor,Abdominal Transplant, Baylor College of Medicine,USA.
Research Expertise: Hepatology, Gastroenterology,EGD,Colonoscopy.

Alejandro R Rodriguez

Affiliation: Assistant Professor,Department of Urology,University of South Florida,USA.
Research Expertise: Clinical outcomes of genitourinary malignancies treated surgically, Urologic diseases

Tsai, Peter I-Hsuan

Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery,Baylor College of Medicine,USA.
Research Expertise: Coronary artery disease,Cardiac valve pathology, Aortic root

Lu, Jian-Ming

Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine,USA.
Research Expertise: Nanoparticle drug delivery, Cardiovascular disease,Pancreatic Cancer.

Mushtaq Chalkoo

Affiliation: Assistant professor, Department of Laparoscopy,Government Medical College and Associated Hospital,India.
Research Expertise: laparo-endoscopy and minimal access surgery

Pliszczynski, Jacek

Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine,India.

Bardia Amirlak

Affiliation: Assistant Professor,Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery,University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,USA.
Research Expertise: Plastic Surgery.

Medhat Habib

Affiliation: Adjunct Lecturer,Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeon,Gulf Medicine University,UAE

Guo-You Zhang

Affiliation: Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Shanghai Jiaotong University,China.

B Fung

Affiliation: Orthopaedics & Traumatology, University of Hong Kong,China.

Silky Chotai

Affiliation: Endoscopic Fellow,Department of Neurosurgery,Weill Cornell Medical Centre,USA.
Research Expertise: General Neurology, Neuropathic pain, Brain Structure and Function, Brain Trauma/ Injury.

Chandra Shekhar Bhati

Affiliation: Department of Transplant Surgeon,Virginia Commonwealth University,USA.
Research Expertise: Liver transplantation, Renal transplantation, hepato-biliary surgery.

Mayur Sharma

Affiliation: Clinical Fellow, Department of Neurosurgery,The Ohio State University,USA.
Search Expertise: Neurosurgery.

Stavros Dimopoulos

Affiliation: Clinical Fellow, JFICU-Addenbrookes Hospital, University of Cambridge,USA.
Research Expertise: Critical Care Medicine, CPET applications, Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation.

Madi El-Haj

Affiliation: Surgeon,Orthopedic Surgery Department, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center,Israel.

Peter Than

Affiliation: Research Fellow,Department of Surgery,Stanford University Medical Center,USA
Research Expertise: Regenerative medicine, tissue engineering, transplantation.

Journal Menu

Alejandro R Rodriguez

Alfio Ferlito

Ameen Khraisat

Bardia Amirlak

Chandra S Bhati

Charles Gia Phan

Mohammad Habib Raza

Osmar A. Centurión

P. A. Shekhar Jategaonkar

Rama Subrahmanyam

Rayleigh Chiang

Samuel M. Alaish

Steve K. Singh

Theodore B. Shybut

Special Issue Thesis Publication
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