Enliven: Journal of Stem Cell Research & Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cells - A Promise to Elixir
Author(s): Pravin D. Potdar and Navjeet Kaur

Stem cells are pluripotent cells which are having properties to differentiate into different lineages of cells types. Recently stem cells have been doubted in regards of their curative abilities of several diseases. The increasing number of difficulties to treat diseases versus the wait for promising cures creates restlessness among clinicians and patients. However we need to envisage the fact that stem cell research is bound by many ethical concerns and other limitations and, despite of its boundaries, staggering achievements have been made in this field of regenerative medicine. Evidential results have been obtained for treatment of cancer, organogenesis, cardiology, neurological disorders, genetical disorders, HIV, diabetes, obesity, vision impairment and even cosmetic applications. Many of these health conditions do not have a cure till date due to the intricacy in understanding their causes. The ones which have a cure have to bear considerable side effects during the course of medical treatments. Stem cell therapy is riveting because of its ability to cure complicated diseases rather than just controlling the health condition of the patients. It has not only shown promising curative possibilities but also proven itself with many successful cases, some of which have been discussed. Upon regular establishment of this therapy a lot of medical limitations will be resolved. Patients which are underage, overage or suboptimal for other tortuous medical treatments could also benefit from such simpler cures. They are a natural cure and can be practiced with fundamental techniques. This editorial emphasises on such marvels of stem cell therapy which show the brighter side of this dilemma.