Enliven: Pediatrics and Neonatal Biology

Early Diagnosis of Oral Manifestation in HIV Infected Pediatric Patients, A Review of Current Literature
Author(s): Dr. Bahareh Nazemisalman, Dr. Surena Vahabi, Narges Bayat, and Amin Ansari

Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome has been remained one of the most health issue concerns till recently. HIV infection can be transmitted through
unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected partner, unprotected oral sex, injection or transfusion of contaminated blood or blood products, sharing
unsterilized injection equipment that was previously used by an infected person and maternal-fetal transmission during pregnancy, at birth or through
breastfeeding. Transmission of HIV from an infected patient to a health-care worker has been documented after parenteral or mucous membrane
exposure to blood. Oral manifestations are one of the earliest clinical indicators of HIV infection which is independent of CD4 status has a prognostic
value. By the way, screening of the AIDS associated manifestations in the oral cavity is a noninvasive and feasible approach, these oral lesions should
be used to help diagnose, prevent and intervene in the progression of HIV infection to AIDS. This review includes studies that investigate the impact of
HIV infection on personal life and importance of oral lesion in early diagnosis of HIV infection in children. Articles were identified through searches of
PubMed MEDLINE from 1970 to 2015, using the MESH based key words.