Enliven: Clinical Cardiology and Research

Author Invitation Submit Manuscript
Journal Sections
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Cardiac problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat.
Peripheral Vascular Disorders
A blood circulation disorder usually causes the blood vessels outside of heart and brain to block the vessels.
Pulmonary Hypertension
High blood pressure affecting lung s?arteries and right side of heart
Cardiac Immunology
Immune defense system to protect heart.
Epidemiology and Preventive Cardiology
Practice that aids promoting health and wellness for the cardiac disease patients during patients? recovery.
Electro Cardiology
Diagnosis and treatment of heart electrical activities.
Invasive Cardiology
Invasive cardiology uses open or minimally-invasive surgery to identify or treat structural or electrical abnormalities within the heart structure.
Cardiac Anatomy and Physiology
Biological study of heart structural and functional aspects.
Vascular Biology
Study of vascular system function, structure, growth, and development
Traumatic Heart Diseases
The condition of heart cease due to blunt or penetration trauma.
Congenital Heart Diseases
Heart defects since birth affecting normal heart working.
Pericardial Diseases
Inflammation or defects of pericardium layers.
Geriatric Heart Disease
Heart defects due to age in the elder people.
Pregnancy and Heart Disease
Affects, problems, and precautions of heart diseases during pregnancy
Using ultrasound waves to investigate monitor the heart action
Coronary Artery Diseases
Coronary artery diseases and defects.
Rheumatic Heart Disease
Short term and long term heart diseases due to rheumatic fever.
Cardiovascular Biology
The study deals with structural, functional analysis of heart and its associated blood vessels.
Cardiovascular Interventions
Interventions in treatment for cardiac and vascular problems.
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis
Arteriosclerosis is the thickening and hardening of the artery walls in old age.Thrombosis is alocal coagulation or clotting of the blood in circulatory system.
Cardiovascular Endocrinology
Cardio vascular treatment by either blocking or enhancing different hormonal systems.
Cardiovascular Therapeutics
Drugs used for the treatment of cardiovascular disorders.
Cardiac Surgery
Surgical procedures in cardiovascular treatment.
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
The study of drug effects on cardiovascular system.
Cardiovascular Disorders
Cardiovascular defects and diseases.
Cardiovascular Electrophysiology
Physiological diagnosis and treatment of heart electrical activities
Interventional Cardiology
Study of advanced cardiac treatments such as catheter based treatment of structural heart diseases.
Journal Features
  • All submissions will undergo vigorous peer review process.
  • High quality review process.
  • Permanent published archives.
  • Author loyal benefits.
  • Reviewer credits.
  • Visible specified citations.
  • Open access - Maximum dissemination.
  • Un-interrupted author communication.
  • Standard author guidelines.
  • Minimal publication charges with convenient and safe modes of transfer.
Editor Guidelines

Editors are the main deciding people for Enliven Archive journals. According to the editors’ guidelines and interests, any amendments and updates will be made to the journals.

Journal editors are classified in to different categories based on the profiles. The roles and responsibilities of editors will differ for each category. To manage the journal and to have a transparent flow of work, journal sets the categories and responsibilities as per the categories.

Enliven Archive supports the statements of “Council of Science Editors”

Propose a New Journal with Enliven Archive
Enliven Archive always welcomes to join hands with any of the professionals to start a new journal with us. We are also interested in getting collaborated with any societies, institutions, universities, associations, and organizations to launch a journal on combined maintenance. 

Please write us the thoughts of launching new journals to contact@enlivenarchive.org

Journal organizes the following categories of editors

1) Editor-in-Chief
2) Editorial Board Members
3) Section Editors
4) Guest Editors
5) Advisory Board Members
6) Managing Editors

1) Editor-in-Chief:
Editor-in-Chief (EIC) is the main head for the journal. EIC has all authority to make any decision as per the journal that shall increase the scope and quality of the journal. EIC is the main person to handle and assign the mission according to the vision of the journal.

The major responsibilities of EIC entail
a) Inviting distinguished members in the field of journal to join editorial board
b) Random checking any journal process to test and improve the quality of journal
c) Taking any scientific decisions according to the journal
d) Suggesting special issues and deadlines accordingly
e) Suggesting editors and contributors to issues 
f) Aiding the indexing process of journals
g) Final decision for any critical submissions

2) Editorial Board Members:
Editorial board members handle the journals by executing the multiple journal related tasks as per the availability. Professors, directors, associate professors, assistant professors, and investigators shall become the journals’ editorial board members. Enliven journals trust the strength of editorial board members and believe that strength of journals depends on the editorial board members.

The major responsibilities of editorial board members entail
a) Handling the assigned two to three manuscripts per year
b) Aid in editing the special issue for the journal based on their research interests
c) Recommend the journal to peers and colleagues
d) Inviting contributors to the special issues and monthly issues
e) Providing guidelines to maintain the journal according to standards
f) Endowing the valuable suggestions to increase the quality of journals
g) Assisting in peer review process with stipulated deadlines

3) Section Editors:
To increase the scope and to maintain the legible scope for authors and readers, journal will be divided into sections and editors who are interested in the handling the sections will becomes heads for the sections.

Journal sections shall be based on the research criteria or may be based on the geographical areas. Section editors will be the main handling editors for the journal processes in their sections.

The major responsibilities of section editors entail
a) Handling about 2-3 manuscripts in the specified section
b) Proposing and maintaining the special issues for the journals
c) Promoting the journal in the sectional fields
d) Supporting the journal by inviting the contributors for the sections
e) Proposing subsections and recruiting the members as per the subsection
f) Maintaining the sectional archives to enhance the legibility of issues

4) Guest Editors:
Guest editors will be invited and their endeavors are used in the cases where editorial board members are not available to handle the duties. Guest editors’ profiles will be as same as editorial board members. Guest editors’ can allot minimal number of working hours to the journal.

Guest editors are invited to handle the special issues mostly. Guest editors can handle the special issue with all the authorities over the issues.

The major responsibilities of guest editors entail
a) Handling the special issues/regular issues as per the commitment
b) Inviting contributors for the handling special issues
c) Aid in review process of committed submissions
d) Suggest the changes for the handling processes/issues
e) Guide the handling tasks according to improve the standards of the journal

5) Advisory Board Members:
Advisory board members help the journal by providing reliable timely suggestions and guidelines to improve the standards of the journal. Advisory board members do not involve in any of the journals’ processing rather providing the guidelines for the journals.

The major responsibilities of advisory board members entail
a) Providing latest updates and suggestions to journals
b) Promote journal in the research groups and fields of them
c) Invite any professionals to enhance the standards of the journal
d) Aid in collaborations and memberships with organizations and institutes
e) Support journals with required strategies

6) Managing Editors:
Managing editors manage and handle the journals according to the guidelines and instructions from all other categories. Managing editors stay in continuous contact with all journals’ related processes. Managing editors handle the journal and support the tasks and jobs assigned by editors. The main platform for all the journal related individuals will be handled by managing editors.

The major responsibilities of the managing editors entail
a) Handling the journal according to the editors’ suggestions
b) Assigning and processing the submissions timely
c) Supporting and assisting editorial board members, EIC to accomplish their responsibilities
d) Communicating with all journal related individuals to avoid communication lapses
e) Maintain the journals with standards and accompany editorial office for any updates
f) Authenticate the campaigns with the permission from editors
g) Process the queries and requests for journals
h) Assist the editors for any prescribed jobs and fulfill the same according to the time lines




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Dr. Constantine Kosmas

Gangjian Qin

Giuseppe De Luca

kartikeya bhargava

Manish Bansal

Mazin Al Salihi

Ming-Yow Hung

Naranjan S. Dhalla

Rahul Mehrotra

Ryuichi Morishita

Yati Boutcher

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