Enliven: Biostatistics and Metrics

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Journal Sections
Exploratory Data Analysis
Exploring the data characteristics with visual methods from data sets? analysis
Probability Distributions and Applications
To analyze the data distribution as per the intervals and applications to find the distribution probability.
Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing
Subject to find the reliability of statistical relationships based on random sampling.
Correlation and Regression
Correlation is to find the mutual relationship between two variables and regression is to find, describe the relationship.
Survival Analysis
Methods of analyzing data to obtain the occurrence of desired data output according to time.
Image Processing
Process, analyze, and manipulate digitized image to improve its quality.
Signal Processing
Process that deals with study of particles in different physical, symbolic, or abstract formats broadly designated as signals.
Recognition Measurement and Testing
Data profile analysis to measure the recognition of patterns and test the data.
Secure Biometric Designing
Branch deals with biometric designing to initiate and access the unique data metrics.
Biometrics Trait
Pre defined human compliant categories obtained in genetic traits.
Inferential Statistics and Distributions
We use inferential statistics to make judgments of the probability that an observed difference between groups is a dependable one or one that might have happened by chance in this study.
Multiple Linear Regressions
A statistical technique to predict the response variable outcome.
Linear Models
Models used to predict the response variable outcomes are linear regression models.
Multi Model Systems and Normalization
Designing multi-level model to handle many models to obtain integrated normalized result.
Pattern Recognition
Recognizing the data pattern based on the datasets and modulating the patterns.
Computer Biometrics
Automatically monitored authentication techniques that rely on measurable physical characteristics.
Statistical Methods
Methods to collect, summarize, analyze, and interpret variable numerical data.
Statistical Methods in Medical Research
Methods to summarize, analyze, and interpret medical research data.
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
Analysis in the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and clinical sciences with interpretation methods.
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
A combined platform applying advanced mathematical techniques and interlinking statistical data.
Statistics and Mathematical Sciences
The study that includes mathematics with all subfields including statistics to estimate the datasets.
Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health
The mission to apply, develop, and teach the distribution and determinants of disease in population to generate knowledge that improves public health.
Applied Probability and Statistics
Applying probability theory to statistical problems and other domains.
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis
The statistical area of computational science specific to the mathematical science.
Statistical Planning
The area of planning statistical analysis of datasets and confining the data accessibility.
Multivariate Analysis
Statistical analysis of multiple independent variables with multiple dependent variables.
Journal Features
  • All submissions will undergo vigorous peer review process.
  • High quality review process.
  • Permanent published archives.
  • Author loyal benefits.
  • Reviewer credits.
  • Visible specified citations.
  • Open access - Maximum dissemination.
  • Un-interrupted author communication.
  • Standard author guidelines.
  • Minimal publication charges with convenient and safe modes of transfer.
Upcoming Special Issues

Enliven Archive efforts to segregate the research content in most efficient way that shall reach readers without much effort. In this stance, journals support special issues apart from regular monthly issues.

Enliven Archive publishes issues in unique research field that shall facilitate both authors and readers in managing and finding the content.

Editorial board members and/or guest editors handle the special issues. One or more than one editors can handle single special issue. Editors can send special issue proposals based on their research interests. The proposals include specific points to be discussed viz.,

Proposed title
Proposed deadline for submissions
Proposed issue publishing date
Special issue synopsis

Editors may recommend any other professionals in the same field to handle the special issue. Journal highlights the details of the editors on the website after authenticating the special issue prospectuses. Enliven Archive journals accepts and review the guest editor special issue proposals with the criteria of the journal.

Proposed Title:
Every special issue should have a unique and meaningful proposed title to let the authors and readers understand the articles the issue deals. Enliven Archive advices to have the special issue title in reach of editors’ research interest to allow transparent articles flow.

Proposed Deadline for Submissions:
Special issue handling editors should clearly state the deadline for submitting the manuscripts based on the plan to publish the issue. Maintaining the time gap for peer review and revisions will let the editors to fix the deadlines for the submitting manuscripts.

Proposed Issue Publishing Date:
Special issue editors will define the issue and propose a suitable date to publish the special issue. According to the proposed issue publishing date, editors will be processing the submissions. Editors have authority to extend any of the dates as per the feasibility.

Special Issue Synopsis:
Editors need to prepare a brief synopsis enlightening the issue details, scope of the special issue, importance of special issue for the journal, and possible rules to mould the submissions. Synopsis conveys entire details of the special issue.

Special Issue Editors – Responsibilities:
Enliven Archive journals treats special issues as driving forces for many research seekers and hence special issue editors have certain responsibilities to achieve the mission of coining special issues.
•    Proposing meaningful special issue title
•    Proposing reasonable special issue submission and publishing deadlines
•    Preparing detailed and informative synopsis
•    Recommending alternative editors, if required
•    Gathering the special issue contributors from peers and colleagues
•    Conducting peer review process for the special issue submissions
•    Show casing the special issues to targeted research communities
•    Altering the proposed special issue norms as per requirement
•    Publishing the multiple special issues in parts based on the submission flow


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